sorrow not.

i just don't understand me. i wasn't upset about everything. well maybe i did, but that's just it. thought i'm gonna cry and whine and be such a stupid emo girl but obviously i am not. i'm feelin' strange. something isn't right somewhere. no, i mean, i'm not acting all tough, but it's true i don't feel anything. is it because i'm the one who dump this friendship, so i'm not that sad? how can i not be sad? serious i don't get it. but whatever it is, i'm glad i'm fine.

tough girl i am, kann?


it's me, little ain~

2 peeps' gossiping:

lylalittle said...

I don't know what this is about...but....

sometymes.....we just don't feel it until it's really over...

or sometymes it's just because we really don't care..hehe...

u r a strong girl.. :)

little ain said...


i really think that i just don't care about it.

is it normal? to not feel sad or upset or mad or anything that i should be feelin'?

i'm feelin happy instead. serious :)