"... I don't need any expensive gifts from people. I just want some sincere wishes and that will already make my heart happy and content..."
hai! Assalamualaikum :)
hehehe! aku waras. jangan risau. ermm, nak kasi post ni sependek yang mungkin je. doakan aku berjaya okiess :)
actually, aku nak mintak maaf sangat sangat sebab dalam entry lepas, aku emo. sepatutnya dan sebenarnya, aku nak say thank you so so much kat kawan kawan untuk semua wishes dan prayers time birthday aku, tiga hari lepas. tak sempat nak post apa apa aritu sebab busy sangat. plus, migrain. so tido je aritu. sorry okies :)
tak berniat nak marah marah entah hape hape kan. tapi takleh nak tahan rasa sedih. pastu lepas dah kena basuh kaw kaw, baru la okayy balek. haih. tak matang lagi rupanya aku bab bab cintan cintun nih. so, nak dimudahkan cerita, stay away. do not get involve. sebab aku tau dah apa masalah aku. masalahnya, aku memang takot gagal dan takot bercinta. pastu dah suka, buat diam je. then, bila dia pon diam, aku emo sorang sorang.
haaa dah. abes pasal tuh.
berbalek kepada tujuan sebenar entry ni. aku ucapkan terima kaseh kat semua yang wish. hokaih? terharu bila ramai sangat orang wish. yang aku tak expect nak ingat birthday aku pon ada. sweetish betoi. thanks a bunch untuk best friends aku, azri safirah untuk post yang buat aku gelak sambil nanges. it was touching. to ain farhana, thank you mekk! to my babies kak anish, fiza and yana as well, kamu bertiga adalah sangat dirindui. untuk blogger[s], bro farid ngan bro hamzah. masheh haa :) *bro hamzah cakap nak bagi hadiah. harus dituntut sebab beliau pon baru je dapat Blackberry Torch. huhu!*
herm. lagi sape ye? owh, my sayang mooniey, hensem syahmi, miss tj, ikram si budok busuk.. errr sape lagi eh? aduyai, lupa dah. tapi yang pasti, memang ramai. tak tertulis kat sini. cuma, aku mau korang tau yang post ni memang aku buat untuk korang oraitt! :) untuk kawan kawan uum, dpp sime darby, paras dua anjung zamrud, you are the best! *abang alep ngan azu jangan lupa WSR okies :)*
and now, i am officially 21 years old. as i'm getting older, i know, there are a lot more to come. i'll make improvements and and become a better person. it's time for me to start a new life, with new hopes and dreams. and it's time for me to prove the world that i am no longer the old me. i'm stronger than ever. together with support from dearest family and friends who are dear and near to me. you have to know how much you meant to me. you are my everything. i could not wish for anything anymore. just to have people who love me around, it is more than enough. :)
and it's time for me to seriously think about my future and make my parents proud of me. i guess i'd made my abah sad sometimes most of the time. especially when i didn't get the chance to pursue my degree in TESL. well, it was disappointing. indeed. it was hard for me too. but nothing i could do to stop nor change it. oh abah. you don't know how embarrassing it was for me to disappoint you. i'm sorry. i promise you that i'll make a mend okayy! i want to be your best daughter because you have been a great father that i could ask for. thank you for everything! i love you!
again, my many thanks for you guys *all of you* for your sincere wishes and prayers. sampai ke arini still belom abes lagi.
until next time,
aku nak saketkan mata korang. aku paksa tengok hokaih. heeee :D

i love these people. they are awesome :)
and, i got this picture as my birthday present. from someone. huhu :) thank you so much!

amacam? ada rupa aku tak? ke dah upgrade sikit. kot kot macam Angelina Jolie ke. okayy jugak tu kan.
it's me, little ain~
12 peeps' gossiping:
korg sume comel.. :)
huhu :)
thank you haaa!
awwwww one of these days akan aku masukkan jugak muka aku dalam mana2 pictures ko haha
tau takpe wehhh! nak letak gambar pon payah. takkan la nak kidnap kat fb pulak kan.
sem depan aku pegi sana. konpem posing sakan orait!
comel lukisan tu ;)
btw, sudah follow ur blog ;)
siti fatimah
thank you. it's from a friend.
huhu! masheh yaa :) happy reading!
ehhh ade my pic jugak :D hee tengs dear :)
lame tak jenguk ur blog, busy exam. tak perasan pun post ni. hehe. tengs ain. syg kmu! alot! :)
hehehe :) konpme ade. ngeh ngeh ngeh
tau tau. kak anish tengah exam. me boleh blogwalking lagi sebab belom exam lagi. huuu assignment pon ade yang belom nak kena hantar lagi. it's okayy, post ni baru je buat semalam :)
sayang kak anish jugak!
huu,,, br. pulun bc entry. hakhak :))
comey ain ptret 2. hee <3
betol betol ke nganjing tuh? miahahaha
woit. maenan ape nganjing2. btol ah. aci kekok! wakaka :)
hahaha aci kekok. lame dok dengor ayat tuh.
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