Alhamdulillah :)
dah boleh bertenang di bilik. lepas berakhirnya presentation pertama di semester kelima ini. presentation untuk subjek Sea Transportation, bab keempat iaitu The Ships. though we are the first group to present, but Alhamdulillah, we got the most easiest chapter compare to other groups.
right-O. lets move on to the part i love the most. hehe :) i got an award from lovely miss biey. thou she didn't state any name on her piece of writing, but she did say this :
Gotcha!! u r caught viewing my blog.please take this award!! :))
so, aku dengan muka tak malu bangganya ambek award ni. orang memberi, kita menerima. lagipun, biey dah insist, siap letak !! lagi. means that, she wants me to take it. hahaha :)

huhu comel je.
- thanks biey yang baek :)
then, here goes the questions.
1. adakah anda rasa happy sekarang?
- tahap happy moderate.
2. kenapa anda rasa happy?
- presentation dah abes. kuiz pon takde untuk minggu ni. yeayyy :)
3. apakah yang boleh membuatkan anda happy?
- when abah ibu called, say their wishes every time i have to sit for any quizzes or exams and ask me to come home.
- i love moneyyy! hehe :)
- good friends of mine.
4. pernah anda menerima tag?
- haha :) banyak yang amat belom bayar. *macam tak menjawab soalan pon ade gak ni kan*
5. nyatakan warna yang anda suka.
- hitam.
okeh, that's it I guess. actually kan, takde apa sangat pon nak tulis. sebenarnya eksaited yang amat sebab boleh post entry ni dari bilik. tu je. hahaha :)
selamat berbuka puasa every one :)
it's me, little ain~
2 peeps' gossiping:
ahaha..award tu utk semua,thanks ain sbb amek award tu,ada gak yg sudi view entry saya :)
huhu :)
same-same. nanti ade award, bagi lagi ek.
hahahahaha :)
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