cuti peristiwa : part II

entry ke-2 untuk hari ni. lebih kurang pukol 3.15 pm tadi,lepas makan nasi,aku dapat call dri kak anish,bagitau yang upm pon baru je dapat arahan kene tutop atas alasan yang same. ya Allah,things are getting worse. help us. janganla ade kawan2 aku yang tkena mnde ni.

so,mgkin plan kitorg tak jadi :( but then,kak anish kate tak sure lagi whether they are asked to leave upm or not. malam ni diorg akn meeting to decide whether diorg boleh stay ke tak,then she'll let me know. tapi ape pon,kitorg akn pastikan yang kitorg boleh jugak jmpe. so,if kak anish kene balek esok,then kitorg akn jmpe kt kl central sbb kak anish akan naik train balik kelantan. i dont mind at all,whatever it takes to see my best friend.

then,baru je lepas bbrp minit tadi,aku dpat msg dri celcom COB UUM,bagitau yang kuliah akan start on 2nd Ogos dan mid semester break on this 14th Ogos still akn ON *hahaha* this is awesome! so,aku akan balek bershopping baju raye kt tganu pulak.

to my dearest bestest terrific father *huhu*,i'll be home after 2 weeks and i'll ask for your forgiveness oke. i know i did something wrong,but trust me i didnt do it on purpose. and you know there's nothing that i would do to hurt any part of you. miss you abah :)

it's me,little ain~

0 peeps' gossiping: