thanks :D

Assalamualaikum :)

Ouhh sangat lama tak menaip sesuatu yang bermanfaat (?) kat cik belog ni. kesian.

this is one quick update i promise. i would like to thank everyone for the wishes and prayer on my birthday, last tuesday. i'm sooo happy and glad receiving those kat wall facebook, handphone, twitter, ym, skype, macam macam. i feel hot! ahahaha gilos. ignore me ;p not only that, i'm happy because me and you (yes, you) dah macam boleh nak start all over again. haaa jangan pikir bukan bukan. what i meant is that, aku dengan dia dah start boleh kawan balek, again after i dont know lah berapa lama dah terputus hubungan persahabatan ni. aku jugak yang terhegeh hegeh nak putus kawan bagai sebenarnye. tahu lah aku ni, angin tak tentu fasal T.T tapi cayo lah cakap den, den ni tak marah lama pon. dah habes sebulan dua marah, sejuklah tu. isk. so, aku consider itu sebagai hadiah untuk hari lahir aku untuk tahun ni. Alhamdulillah :)

apart from that, my many thanks to my lovely ibu for that big square chocolate cake you bought for us, ida, me and abelong. since my sister's birthday was on 7th, mine on 8th, and my eldest brother on 13th, so kira celebrate sekali lahh kan. heee thanks ibu. love you!

then, i bought myself a new handbag. wihuuu! self treat lah katakann. hahaha. actually, i have never ever fancy a handbag before. rasa macam tak perlu je lagi handbag sebab come on, i'm still young. handbag is for orang orang tua. ahahaha. and i seriously don't know what has gotten into me that day, i went to kb mall, window shopping dalam pacific, intai guess yang tengah less tuh, and suddenly the idea crossed my mind, "why not i get myself a handbag? it's my birthday after all'. pastu pegi pilih, tengok mana mana yang berkenan, then tat taraaaa! i got you. hehehe. to be honest, i'm surprised with myself. ain, a handbag? it can't be. fine lah, i used to adore that bonia beg time temankan ibu pegi shopping handbag dia dulu. and it costs RM1k++. so i was like crazeyy for that beg because it's sooo hot. well, it fits the price lah kan. kalah beg ibu. hahaha. but then, since i'm not into handbag yet, some more RM1k (mane nak cekau seribu di tengah alam) so mende tu macam lupa camtu je lah. but this time, it was one drastic decision T____T

not only that (yeahh i know i said this is one quick update. guess i lie ;p), i'm starting to feel like imma need a lipstick! it can't be this serious. but i do. before this, i only used lip gloss, and pakai pon for like once a month =.=' and suddenly i think i should get myself a lipstick. huhu. i know i sound like 16 years old school girl yang baru datang period, baru nak kenal dunia and baru nak upp. ouhh that sounds pathetic! ahahaha. but i do. seriously i do.

what else? herm. oh yaa, today. this evening, i went to al-ikhsan, dengan niat nak temankan the sister cari selipar. masuk je dalam al-ikhsan tu, i tried lah kan selipar-selipar kat situ, takkan nak dudok saje pulak kan. pastu lepas dah cube try test, pegi kaunter, bagi kad, sain slip, and dancing dalam kedai tu =.=" oh my God, beli selipar baru yeayyy! this time, it's an apple green nike. woot woot. sooo happy. alaaa bukan ape, nak gantikan my old purple adidas, dah uzur bebenor keadaan die. ahahaha i know i'm making up excuse, but biar lahh. ahaha. plus, it's wayyy cheaper beli kat al-ikhsan rather than beli kat butik nike, gonna cost me RM109 last time i checked kat alor star. mahal kann? so, better beli kat sini. huhu :D

selipar lama. time ni baru lagi lah. sekarang dah kesian. huhu :D

okeyy, selipar baru tak kisahlahh, everyone pon nak beli selipar baru kan? but lipstick and handbag? ouhhh never cross my mind before. think i'm slowly turning into someone else. i mean, big girl. kott? ahaha. i'm 22 now, and i should act like one. tak boleh dahh nak menggedik tak tentu fasal. boleh, tapi biar la kena pada tempat dan masanya. takkanlahh twenty four seven hours nak menggedik kan? mengade takpe, because it's who i am. ahaha okayy silakan letak baldi tempat korang sume, in case rasa macam nak muntah kann. hehehe :D

orait then, i should go. walhal i was so desperate nak siapkan assignment since i'm going back to uum on saturday. tapi sempat lagi terlayan cik belog. sure lepas ni terus tido. ngantok amatt. satu hari tadi gi jalan jalan with my sisters. so again, my many thanks for each and everyone of you for your sincere wish and pray. i do pray so that God keeps us all healthy and that He will protect us wherever we are.

until next time, good night all :)


4 peeps' gossiping:

Chaireel Azizee Mohamed @ Ayub said...

lama tol marah sampai sebulan dua.. hahaha

Ariffin Janal said...

karangan SPM 2011.

little ain said...

@Chaireel Azizee Mohamed @ Ayub

normal tu. penah sampai setahun :)

little ain said...

@Ariffin Janal

kahkahkah senget ariffin janal.

pemeriksa kena baca habes tau since ni karangan spm. takleh skip ;p