kite kawen, jum?

Rumet : Aku tak caye sume benda dalam dunia ni lasts forever.
Aku : Marriage lasts.
Rumet : Aku tak caye marriage tu lasts.
Aku : Ya Allah. doa ba, doa. Takkan nak sekerat jalan? Aku nak masuk syurga ngan die.


tiba-tiba teringatkan ini,

Ya Allah, jika benar jodoh aku dengannya, Kau permudahkanlah.

tiba-tiba aku rasa sedih dan takot. what if everything doesn't turn out to be like what i want them to be?

it's me, little ain~

6 peeps' gossiping:

miss nina said...

pray for the best, insyaAllah.

miss lyianne said...

same goes to me . what if nothing last forever at this age , everything is possible.

lylalittle said...

isn't it wonderful to think your an 80 year old grandma with 20++ grandchilds...but can still walk by the beach hand in hand lovingly with your husband...
(okay2...maybe not 80..but 60 ke?haha..)
So sweet~ ;)

little ain said...

@miss nina

yeah let us pray.

thanks sayang :)

little ain said...

@miss lyianne

hahaa of course. it's never certain. so, do not put on hopes too much. just play it loose okay? :)

little ain said...


ahahaha funny lah dila!

well yes, i agree to that.

it's just lovely. having someone to walk with thou it's beeen years since we're together.